DeepVARwT: Deep Learning for a VAR Model with Trend
The dataset is a vector autoregressive (VAR) model with trend, where the mean is modeled by a recurrent neural network of the LSTM type, and the dependence structure is modeled... -
Penn Treebank Character
The Penn Treebank Character dataset is a character-level language modeling dataset. -
Improved Language Modeling by Decoding the Past
Highly regularized LSTMs achieve impressive results on several benchmark datasets in language modeling. We propose a new regularization method based on decoding the last token... -
Speaker Diarization with LSTM
Speaker diarization is the process of partitioning an input audio stream into homogeneous segments according to the speaker identity. -
Indoor Distance Estimation using LSTMs over WLAN Network
The dataset used in the paper for indoor distance estimation using LSTMs over WLAN network. -
Convolutional-LSTM for Multi-Image to Single Output Medical Prediction
Medical head CT-scan imaging has been successfully combined with deep learning for medical diagnostics of head diseases and lesions. A custom dataset was used for this study. -
Long Short Term Memory Networks for Anomaly Detection in Time Series
Long Short Term Memory Networks for Anomaly Detection in Time Series -
RNN/LSTM with modified Adam optimizer for automobile spare parts demand forec...
A dataset for automobile spare parts demand forecasting, using RNN/LSTM with modified Adam optimizer. -
Driver Drowsiness Detection Based On Driver Temporal Behavior Using a New Dev...
The dataset for YOLOv3 training and the dataset for LSTM training. -
Penn Treebank
The Penn Treebank dataset contains one million words of 1989 Wall Street Journal material annotated in Treebank II style, with 42k sentences of varying lengths. -
BioText dataset
The BioText dataset contains more than 3,500 text samples classified into one of eight classes, which specify the type of semantic relationship between disease and treatment...