MS-COCO 2017 unlabeled dataset
The MS-COCO 2017 unlabeled dataset is used to evaluate the performances of various RefineDet networks. -
MS-COCO 2017 test-dev17 dataset
The MS-COCO 2017 test-dev17 dataset is used to evaluate the performances of various RefineDet networks. -
MS-COCO 2017 test-dev dataset
The MS-COCO 2017 test-dev dataset is used to evaluate the performances of various RefineDet networks. -
MS-COCO 2017 object detection dataset
The MS-COCO 2017 object detection dataset is used to evaluate the performances of various RefineDet networks. -
Microsoft COCO Dataset
The MS COCO 2014 Dataset contains images of 91 object categories, which contains 82783 training images, 40504 validation images and 40775 testing images. -
The dataset used in the paper is the Split MS-COCO dataset, which is a comprehensive framework for continual image captioning.