6 datasets found

Tags: Markov Decision Processes

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  • Deceptive Planning for Resource Allocation

    The dataset used in the paper describes a team of autonomous agents that navigate in an adversarial environment and aim to achieve a task by allocating their resources over a...
  • Reconnaissance Blind TicTacToe

    The Reconnaissance Blind TicTacToe (RBT) dataset is a variation of the Reconnaissance Blind Chess (RBC) challenge. It is a game of TicTacToe where the agent cannot see the moves...
  • BRIDGE dataset

    The BRIDGE dataset is a collection of 155 deterministic MDPs, each with a horizon of 100 time steps. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of reinforcement learning...
  • Markov Decision Processes with Reachability Characterization

    The dataset used in the paper is a Markov Decision Process (MDP) with a set of states, actions, transition probabilities, and rewards.
  • Four Rooms

    The Four Rooms environment is a stochastic version of the classic Atari game Four Rooms. The environment has 104 states and 4 actions, and the agent can move in any of the 4...
  • Training Dataset

    The training dataset is a collection of the publicly available Arabic corpora listed below: The unshuffled OSCAR corpus (Ortiz Su´arez et al., 2020). The Arabic Wikipedia dump...
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