PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Evolutionary Adaptation of Protein Turnover in White Muscle of Stenothermal A...
Protein turnover is highly energy consuming and overall relates to an organism's growth performance varying largely between species, e.g., due to pre-adaptation to environmental... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Dissolved organic matter composition in Antarctic streams (Sôya Coast, Lützow...
The sampling campaign was conducted during the austral summer in January 2017 as a part of the 58th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. There are several ice-free areas on... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Nmr raw data on the polyphosphonate prepared from heating the phosphonate gtub5
Abstract: 31P MAS NMR data obtained on condensation products of the phosphonate GTUB5 Object: The subdirectories contain the raw data obtained on Bruker NMR spectrometers with... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Apparatus for achieving unstable emulsions in nmr
Abstract: Mechanical components for achieving an unstable emulsion inside an NMR probehead are described. The files are files useful for 3D printing according to the STL standard. -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Additional datasets and files for publication "identification of novel triazo...
Abstract: This dataset covers additional analytical data and supplementary 3D printer files of a publication describing an NMR-based screening approach to monitor the formation... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Electronic supporting information to maste et al. - the accuracy limit of che...
This dataset has no description
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Raw data for "a piperic acid coa ligase produces a putative precursor of pipe...
This dataset has no description
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Dalbergia monetaria proanthocyanidin
Abstract: A rare dihydoxyflavan-epicatechin proanthocyanidin, entcassiflavan-(4 8)-epicatechin, has been isolated from Dalbergia monetaria, a plant widely used by traditional...