7 datasets found

Tags: NWS

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  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    XRF measurement from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    P-wave velocity measurement from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    Porosity analysis from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    Mineral determination from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The Northwest Shelf of Australia (NWS) is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary...
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    Lightness measurement from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    Bulk density from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
  • PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)


    Abundance of non-skeletal grains from IODP Site 356-U1461

    The North West Shelf of Australia is an extensive tropical carbonate ramp and forms an important template for the interpretation of similar systems in the sedimentary record....
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