ApolloScape Dataset
The ApolloScape dataset is a large-scale dataset for autonomous driving, containing images and annotations. -
ImageNet, MS COCO, Cityscapes, and ADE20K
The dataset used for the experiments in the paper, which includes ImageNet, MS COCO, Cityscapes, and ADE20K datasets. -
Deformable DETR
A dataset for object detection tasks, including deformable transformers. -
MPViT: Multi-Path Vision Transformer for Dense Prediction
Dense computer vision tasks such as object detection and segmentation require effective multi-scale feature representation for detecting or classifying objects or regions with... -
Open Images Dataset V4
A dataset for image classification, object detection, and visual relationship detection. -
SHiNe: Semantic Hierarchy Nexus for Open-vocabulary Object Detection
Open-vocabulary object detection (OvOD) has transformed detection into a language-guided task, empowering users to freely define their class vocabularies of interest during... -
ImageNet classification
ImageNet classification dataset, COCO dataset -
The inaturalist species classification and detection dataset
The inaturalist species classification and detection dataset. -
Slot Attention
A dataset of videos of a robot interacting with blocks of different shapes and colors placed on a table in a simulation environment. -
Alpha-CLIP: A CLIP Model Focusing on Wherever You Want
Alpha-CLIP is an enhanced version of CLIP with an auxiliary alpha channel to suggest attentive regions and fine-tuned with constructed millions of RGBA region-text pairs. -
ARS: Augmented Reality Semi-automatic-labeling
Two novel datasets are created using the ARS pipeline, one on electromechanical components (industrial scenario) and one on fruits (daily-living scenario). -
iCubWorld Transformations
iCubWorld Transformations (iCWT): a dataset for object recognition and manipulation -
Pascal VOC-OS
Open-set object detection datasets -
Places dataset
The Places dataset is a large-scale dataset for scene recognition, containing 1 million images from 365 categories.