A benchmark for optical flow estimation. -
NeuFlow: Real-time, High-accuracy Optical Flow Estimation on Robots
Optical flow estimation on edge devices while ensuring high accuracy. -
A dataset for optical flow evaluation, including a naturalistic open source movie. -
MPI Sintel and KITTI 2015
Unsupervised optical flow benchmark datasets -
S-HMDB-38 and S-UCF-25
A dataset of synthetic data for action categorization, including simplified videos without background. -
SSAV: Salient Object Detection via Attention-based Visual Flow
A video salient object detection method using optical flow. -
KITTI 2012 dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the proposed EDNet model for efficient disparity estimation. -
FlyingThings3D dataset
The FlyingThings3D dataset is a benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of a large collection of images and corresponding disparity maps. -
KITTI 2015 dataset
KITTI 2015 dataset contains videos in 200 street scenes captured by RGB cameras, with sparse depth ground truths captured by Velodyne laser scanner. -
MPI Sintel
The dataset used in the paper for unsupervised single image intrinsic decomposition. -
The Middlebury dataset is a benchmark for stereo vision and 3D reconstruction. -
Vimeo90k dataset
The Vimeo90k dataset is a large-scale video frame interpolation dataset. -
Disentangled Motion Modeling for Video Frame Interpolation
Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) aims to synthesize intermediate frames in between existing frames to enhance visual smoothness and quality. -
Dense pixel matching is required for many computer vision algorithms such as disparity, optical flow or scene flow estimation. Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) have proven to be a... -
Sintel Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a Sintel dataset, which consists of low-resolution optical flow maps and their corresponding high-resolution RGB images. -
DAVIS and FVI datasets
Video inpainting aims to fill spatio-temporal corrupted regions with plausible content. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to find correspondences from neighboring frames to...