Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, COCO-Object, Cityscapes, and ADE20k datasets
The Pascal VOC, Pascal Context, COCO-Object, Cityscapes, and ADE20k datasets are used for evaluation of the proposed method. -
Pascal VOC-OS
Open-set object detection datasets -
Pascal VOC 2012
The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and... -
Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset is a benchmark for object detection and image classification. -
Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge is a benchmark for object detection and segmentation. -
ImageNet, MS COCO, and Pascal VOC datasets
The dataset used in the paper is ImageNet, MS COCO, and Pascal VOC datasets. -
Pascal VOC
Semantic segmentation is a crucial and challenging task for image understanding. It aims to predict a dense labeling map for the input image, which assigns each pixel a unique...