6 datasets found

Tags: Ratings

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  • MovieLens100K

    The dataset is used for sequential recommendation tasks, and it contains user-item interaction history.
  • ML1M

    Offline evaluations of recommender systems attempt to estimate users’ satisfaction with recommendations using static data from prior user interactions.
  • Office dataset

    Office dataset consists of 31 categories and contains around 4,700 images across three domains, namely Amazon(A), DSLR(D) and Webcam(W).
  • MovieLens

    The dataset is a movie review dataset with five types of nodes (movie, director, tag, writer, and user) and four types of edges (movie-director relation, movie-tag relation,...
  • Amazon review dataset

    The Amazon review dataset is used for multi-source domain adaptation. It contains review texts and ratings of bought products. Products are grouped into categories. Following...
  • MovieLens 20M

    The dataset used in this paper is the MovieLens 20M dataset, which contains ratings from 92,032 users on 20,000 movies.
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