Time series forecasting to detect anomalous behaviours in Multiphase Flow Meters
Time series forecasting to detect anomalous behaviours in Multiphase Flow Meters -
M5 forecasting competitions dataset
The M5 forecasting competitions dataset contains time series data for the hierarchical unit sales of the largest retail company in the world, Walmart. -
PhysioNet Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the PhysioNet dataset, which contains 8000 time series from ICU stays, each containing measurements from the first 48 hours of a different... -
MISO Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the MISO dataset, which contains actual energy price and actual load in the year 2021 from the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator... -
Orderbook Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the Orderbook dataset, which contains high-frequency trading orderbooks collected from real stock markets.