8 datasets found

Tags: articulated objects

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  • Beats dataset

    A real-world dataset for dynamic articulated objects, used to test the proposed Knowledge NeRF method.
  • Telescope dataset

    A real-world dataset for dynamic articulated objects, used to test the proposed Knowledge NeRF method.
  • Postbox dataset

    A dataset for dynamic articulated objects, used to test the proposed Knowledge NeRF method.
  • Shiny Blender dataset

    A dataset for dynamic articulated objects, used to test the proposed Knowledge NeRF method.
  • UP-3D

    UP-3D: A Large-Scale 3D Human Body Dataset for Pose Estimation. UP-3D: A Large-Scale 3D Human Body Dataset for Pose Estimation. UP-3D: A Large-Scale 3D Human Body Dataset for...
  • PartNet Mobility and GAPart-Net

    PartNet Mobility and GAPart-Net are datasets of articulated objects with their part configurations.
  • Pascal VOC

    Semantic segmentation is a crucial and challenging task for image understanding. It aims to predict a dense labeling map for the input image, which assigns each pixel a unique...
  • COCO

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...
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