Rayleigh fading channel dataset
The Rayleigh fading channel dataset is used to test the performance of the proposed RA-GAN based training scheme in the Rayleigh fading channel. -
AWGN channel dataset
The AWGN channel dataset is used to test the performance of the proposed RA-GAN based training scheme in the AWGN channel. -
DeepMIMO channel dataset
The DeepMIMO channel dataset is used to test the performance of the proposed RA-GAN based training scheme in the DeepMIMO channel. -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Sediment echosounder processed data (Atlas Parasound P70 echosounder working ...
The main objectives of the study are to characterize the sedimentary structures observed in the area where internal waves interact with the seafloor and to identify the... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Vessel-mounted ADCP current measurements from offshore Namibia during RV METE...
The main objectives of the study are to characterize the sedimentary structures observed in the area where internal waves interact with the seafloor and to identify the...