Stochastic Block Model
The stochastic block model is a statistical problem where the goal is to recover a community structure from a graph. The model is defined by a graph G with vertex set [n] =... -
Sifting out communities in large sparse networks
Large-scale networks of genetic interactions, logistics, and social communities. The dataset is used to test the proposed two-step procedure for clustering large sparse networks. -
Synthetic Network
The dataset used in the paper is a synthetic network with 200 nodes and 4 communities, parameterized as follows: p(Aij = 1) ∼ Bernoulli(.10), Bernoulli(.25), if zi (cid:54)= zj... -
Benchmark Graphs for Testing Community Detection Algorithms
The LFR benchmark is a collection of artificial networks with a known community structure. -
A collection of networks for evaluating overfit and underfit in models of network community structure