5 datasets found

Tags: cybersecurity

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  • Advisen Cyber Loss Data

    The dataset used in this paper is the Advisen Cyber Loss Data, which provides a historical view of more than 132,126 cyber events from 2008 to 2020, affecting 49,495...
  • WannaLaugh: A Configurable Ransomware Emulator

    This paper introduces a configurable ransomware emulator designed to generate IO traces in a safe and controlled environment.

    A wide-ranging cybersecurity evaluation suite for large language models.
  • LANL dataset

    The LANL dataset consists of over one billion log lines collected over 58 consecutive days. The logs contain anonymized process, network flow, DNS, and authentication information.
  • CICIDS2017

    The CICIDS2017 dataset was collected 2 years after the UNSW NB-15 data. The collection took place for a week. On each day attacks such as: Brute Force FTP, Brute Force SSH, DoS,...
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