5 datasets found

Tags: digits

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  • FEMNIST dataset

    Mobile crowdsensing has gained significant attention in recent years and has become a critical paradigm for emerging Internet of Things applications. The sensing devices...
  • Background MNIST

    The Background MNIST dataset is a subset of the MNIST dataset with images of handwritten digits on a white background.
  • wine, iris, digits, boston, diabete, linnerud

    The dataset used in this paper is the wine dataset, iris dataset, digits dataset, boston dataset, diabete dataset, and linnerud dataset.
  • Rotated MNIST

    The Rotated MNIST dataset is a subset of the MNIST dataset with images of handwritten digits rotated by 90 degrees.
  • MNIST Dataset

    The MNIST dataset (Lecun et al., 1998), which consists of 60,000 gray-scale images of handwritten digits. Each image has an accompanying label in {0, 1,..., 9}, and is stored as...
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