IMDB-Wiki Faces Dataset
The IMDB-Wiki faces dataset is a collection of 35,000 images of faces, with 35 attributes for each image. -
CelebA-HQ Dataset
The CelebA-HQ dataset is a dataset of faces. -
Memetically Optimized MCWLD for Matching Sketches With Digital Face Images
Dataset for Face Recognition using Sketches. -
LFW Dataset
The LFW dataset is a large collection of images of faces with various expressions and poses. -
Labeled Faces in the Wild
The dataset is a 4-way array of dimensions 4000 × 90 × 90 × 3, where each pixel gives the intensity for colors red, green and blue, resulting in a multiway array of dimensions X... -
CelebA Dataset
Model inversion attacks are a type of privacy attack that reconstructs private data used to train a machine learning model, solely by accessing the model.