Semi-verified crowdsourced learning dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a semi-verified crowdsourced learning dataset, where the majority of the crowd workers are adversarial and the rest behave as Massart noise. -
Quantile Off-Policy Evaluation via Deep Conditional Generative Learning
The dataset used in this paper for quantile off-policy evaluation via deep conditional generative learning. -
DeceFL: A Principled Decentralized Federated Learning Framework
DeceFL is a decentralized federated learning algorithm that eliminates the need for a central server and maintains convergence property. -
Cross-Lingual Cross-Modal Retrieval with Noise-Robust Learning
Cross-lingual cross-modal retrieval with noise-robust learning for low-resource languages -
Nonparametric learning for impulse control problems
The dataset is used for learning to reflect data-driven stochastic control strategies. -
Learning to reflect
The dataset is used for learning to reflect data-driven stochastic control strategies. -
HuBERT Framework
The dataset used in this paper is a self-supervised audio pre-training framework called HuBERT. -
Interpretable and Pedagogical Examples
The dataset used in the paper is a set of examples for teaching rule-based, probabilistic, boolean, and hierarchical concepts.