8 datasets found

Tags: network traffic

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  • CIC-IDS-2017

    The CIC-IDS-2017 dataset contains more than 2 million flows of network data, containing both benign (74.75%) traffic and a large number of different attacks (25.25%, 14 attack...
  • Botnet

    The dataset used in this paper is the Botnet dataset, a collection of network traffic data.
  • MAWI2019

    The dataset used in this paper for anomaly multimedia traffic identification in graynet.
  • KDDCUP99 dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is the KDDCUP99 dataset, which contains network traffic data from a military network.
  • Measuring Broadband America Dataset

    The Measuring Broadband America Dataset contains network statistics (including network traffic counters) collected by United States Federal Communications Commission from homes...
  • RIPE-Atlas dataset

    The RIPE-Atlas dataset is a collection of network traffic traces from various locations around the world.
  • N-BaIoT dataset

    The N-BaIoT dataset is a large dataset of network traffic traces from various IoT devices, including botnets.
  • UGRansome dataset

    The UGRansome dataset is a publicly accessible dataset created in 2021 specifically designed to classify and understand ransomware.
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