PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Sedimentation rate and color data of sediment core M94-481 PC
Proxy parameter of core M94-481 PC: Sedimentation rate and color data of sediment core M94-481 PC. Sedimentological and logging data as well as the foraminiferal analyses were... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Benthic and planktonic stable isotopes of sediment core M94-481 PC
Proxy parameter of core M94-481 PC: Benthic and planktonic stable isotopes of sediment core M94-481 PC. Isotope analyses were performed on the planktonic and benthic... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Age model of IODP Site 363-U1489 over the last 4 Ma
This dataset contain the planktonic foraminifera oxygen and carbon isotope records along the upper ~83.58 m on-slice sediment sequence of IODP Site 363-U1489 (02°07.19′N,... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Age model of IODP Site 363-U1489 over the last 4 Ma
The datasets contain the age ties of IODP Site 363-U1489 over the last 4 Ma. Depth Scale and Age model of Site 363- U1489. Based on the shipboard measurements of magnetic...