UCIHAR dataset
The UCI HAR dataset contains data collected from multiple sensors during different activities such as sitting, walking, etc. -
Physical Artificial Intelligence Dataset
The dataset used in this paper for Physical Artificial Intelligence, including data from various sources such as sensors, IoT devices, and other systems. -
Dataset of Electric Appliances, Sensors, Light, and HVAC
The dataset of electric appliances, sensors, light, and HVAC, which is measured by smart metering system and is collected from 50 households. -
Air Quality dataset
The Air Quality dataset contains 38,563 time-series samples. Each sample has 5 features including hourly response from an array of 5 metal oxide chemical sensors embedded in a... -
MyDigitalFootprint: an extensive context dataset for pervasive computing appl...
MyDigitalFootprint: an extensive context dataset for pervasive computing applications at the edge -
UCR Time Series Classification Archive
Time series classification has recently received a lot of attention over the past three decades. Such data is widely available everywhere and collected with various sensors. -
Leibniz University Hannover
OpenAXES Example Robot Dataset
This is an example dataset recorded using version 1.0 of the open-source-hardware OpenAXES IMU. Please see the github repository for more information on the hardware and... -
Leibniz University Hannover
OpenAXES Example Calibration Dataset
This is an example dataset recorded using version 1.0 of the open-source-hardware OpenAXES IMU. Please see the github repository for more information on the hardware and... -
Leibniz University Hannover
GNSS mass market and geodetic receiver benchmark study
This dataset contains a bundle of 5 mass market receiver (ublox Neo M8T) and three geodetic graded receiver (Leica GNSS1200+GNSS, Septentrio PolaRx 5TR, Javad Delta TRE_G3T)...