A Ray-tracing and Deep Learning Fusion Super-resolution Modeling Method for W...
A dataset for wireless mobile channel modeling, including ray tracing and deep learning fusion super-resolution modeling method for cluster characteristics prediction. -
Real Image Restoration and Enhancement
Real-world image restoration and enhancement -
Real Microscope Image for Testing the Super-resolution Method
A real microscope image was used to test the method. The image was deconvolved using the proposed method, and the results were compared with the original image. -
Synthetic Image for Testing the Super-resolution Method
A synthetic image was synthesized to test the method. The image was convolved with the IRF, added noise and background, and then deconvolved using the proposed method. -
The dataset is used to reconstruct sparse scenes from the temporal profile of the wave-front using only one spatial pixel or a spatial average. -
Stereo image super-resolution aims to improve the quality of high-resolution stereo image pairs by exploiting complementary information across views. -
The Middlebury dataset is a benchmark for stereo vision and 3D reconstruction. -
Human Lips Dataset
The dataset used for testing the self-similarity-based super-resolution model for photoacoustic angiography. -
Photoacoustic Angiography Images
The dataset used for training the self-similarity-based super-resolution model for photoacoustic angiography. -
Hand-Drawn PAA Images
The dataset used for training the self-similarity-based super-resolution model for photoacoustic angiography.