13 datasets found

Tags: synthetic

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  • Synthetic b1000 and b3000 datasets

    Synthetic phantom datasets generated with phantomas4.
  • Synthetic cryo-ET datasets

    Synthesized cryo-ET datasets with different SNR levels
  • Synthetic datasets

    The authors used synthetic datasets with temporal dependencies and actions. The datasets have 1 million examples, with dimensionality of X t = 20 and ground-truth f is a random...
  • Videomamba

    The dataset used in the paper for video quality assessment, consisting of videos with various distortions.
  • AIGC2023

    The dataset used in the paper for image quality assessment, consisting of AI-generated images.

    The dataset used in the paper for blind image quality assessment, consisting of images with various distortions.

    The dataset used in the paper for blind image quality assessment, consisting of images with various distortions.
  • TID2013

    The dataset used in the paper for image quality assessment, consisting of images with various distortions.
  • Eyecandies

    The Eyecandies dataset is a novel synthetic dataset comprising ten different categories of candies rendered in a controlled environment.
  • CSIQ

    The proposed model is designed to capture distortion-related patterns using a task transfer strategy simulating the from easy to hard human learning law.
  • LIVE

    The proposed model is designed to capture distortion-related patterns using a task transfer strategy simulating the from easy to hard human learning law.
  • Synthetic-Independent

    The temporal domain is generated by a Hawkes process, and the intensity function is defined as follows: λ(t, |Ht) = 0.2 + ∑[t < ti] (0.2e^(-0.2(t-t-ti)) + 4e^(-10(ti-t)))....
  • SynthLC

    SynthLC models lung cancer patient data. Each patient has the following attributes: Age category Sex Smoking habit Comorbidities Biomarkers Drugs taken Relapse The attribute...
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