5 datasets found

Tags: traffic speed

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  • PeMS-BAY

    The traffic forecasting problem can be categorized into three types, namely, based on the length of prediction, i.e., short-term (less than 30 min) and long term(30 ∼ 60 min).
  • PeMSD7

    Traffic speed prediction is a crucial task for many key purposes in intelligent traffic systems and urban planning.
  • PEMSD7(M)

    Urban traffic speed prediction aims to estimate the future traffic speed for improving urban transportation services. The proposed framework is a generic wrapper-style solution...

    Urban traffic speed prediction aims to estimate the future traffic speed for improving urban transportation services. The proposed framework is a generic wrapper-style solution...
  • Traffic4Cast

    The traffic data is given as a two-dimensional heat-map-like image representation of size 495 × 436 pixels with eight channels.
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