5 datasets found

Tags: untrimmed videos

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  • Charades-STA dataset

    Temporal grounding of activities, the identification of specific time intervals of actions within a larger event context, is a critical task in video understanding.
  • THUMOS'14, ActivityNet v1.3

    Temporal action detection in untrimmed videos via multi-stage cnns, Cdc: convolutional-de-convolutional networks for precise temporal action localization, Temporal action...
  • High-Quality Fall Simulation Dataset (HQFSD)

    The High-Quality Fall Simulation Dataset (HQFSD) is a challenging dataset for human fall detection, including multi-person scenarios, changing lighting, occlusion, and...
  • ActivityNet Captions

    The ActivityNet Captions is a benchmark dataset proposed for dense video captioning. There are 20K untrimmed videos in total, and each video has several annotated segments with...
  • ActivityNet

    Temporal activity detection has drawn increasing interests in both academic and industry communities due to its vast potential applications in security surveillance, behavior...
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