The dataset used for video object segmentation task, where a first frame labelled with the foreground object mask, the goal is to find the corresponding object pixels in future... -
The dataset used for video object segmentation task, where a first frame labelled with the masks of several object instances, one aims to find the corresponding masks of objects... -
DAVIS 2017 Challenge
The DAVIS 2017 challenge dataset is a benchmark for video object segmentation. It consists of 150 sequences with multiple objects and instance-level pixel-wise annotations. -
Davis dataset for video object segmentation
The Davis dataset is a benchmark for video object segmentation. It contains 30 videos with 40 frames each. -
URVOS: Unified referring video object segmentation network with a large-scale ...
URVOS: Unified referring video object segmentation network with a large-scale benchmark. -
RefVOS: a closer look at referring expressions for video object segmentation
RefVOS: a closer look at referring expressions for video object segmentation. -
End-to-End Referring Video Object Segmentation with Multimodal Transformers
The referring video object segmentation task (RVOS) involves segmentation of a text-referred object instance in the frames of a given video. -
A Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Video Object Segmentation
A benchmark dataset and evaluation methodology for video object segmentation. -
YouTube-VOS 2018 and 2019
YouTube-VOS 2018 and 2019 datasets are benchmarks for video object segmentation, featuring various challenging scenarios. -
DAVIS 2016 and 2017
DAVIS 2016 and 2017 datasets are benchmarks for video object segmentation, featuring various challenging scenarios.