27 datasets found

Tags: videos

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  • Multi-Mice PartsTrack dataset

    The Multi-Mice PartsTrack dataset is a challenging dataset for multi-mice part tracking in videos. It contains 10 videos of two or three mice interacting freely in a home cage...
  • My View is the Best View: Procedure Learning from Egocentric Videos

    A dataset for procedure learning from egocentric videos.
  • UCF Sports

    UCF Sports dataset consists of 150 videos from sport broadcasts covering 10 action categories.
  • HMDB

    The HMDB dataset consists of 6766 videos from 51 different action categories. The videos are generally of low quality, with strong camera motion, and non-centered people.
  • YTF

    Face recognition and person re-identification using paired image-attribute data, where the attributes (i.e., soft biometrics) are only available during the training phase.
  • UCF

    UCF is a dataset for face forgery detection, focusing on uncovering common features shared by different manipulation techniques.
  • MovieQA, TVQA, AVSD, EQA, Embodied QA

    A collection of datasets for visual question answering, including MovieQA, TVQA, AVSD, EQA, and Embodied QA.

    A dataset of audio-driven talking head videos generated by four generative methods
  • SoccerNet

    SoccerNet is a dataset for action spotting in soccer videos, containing a large number of annotated videos.
  • SoccerNet-v2

    SoccerNet-v2 is a large-scale dataset for action spotting in soccer videos, containing over 110K action labels.
  • MPI-INF-3DHP dataset

    The MPI-INF-3DHP dataset is a large-scale dataset for 3D human pose estimation in videos. It consists of 8 subjects performing 8 activities.
  • Human3.6M dataset

    The Human3.6M dataset is a large-scale dataset for 3D human pose estimation in videos. It consists of 3.6 million frames captured by four 50 Hz cameras.
  • UCF-101 dataset for human action recognition

    UCF-101 is a large-scale dataset of human actions in videos.
  • IG65M

    The dataset used in the paper for self-supervised learning of video representations.
  • Kinetics dataset

    The Kinetics dataset is a large-scale action recognition dataset. It contains videos of various actions performed by humans, with annotations of the actions performed.
  • CVBL video database

    CVBL video database for face recognition in videos
  • IJB-C

    The dataset used in the FairFace Challenge at ECCV 2020 is a reannotated version of IJB-C [37] database enriched by newly collected 12,549 public domain images.
  • Tunnel Try-on

    The Tunnel Try-on dataset is a collection of videos with product garment images.
  • VVT

    The VVT dataset is a collection of product garment images and corresponding videos.
  • J-HMDB

    A video dataset for action recognition, consisting of 920 videos of 21 different actions.
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