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Exercises Tensor Analysis

Matlab codes for the solution of exercises which can be found in the book "Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry for Engineers"

Related publications:

Shahab Sahraee, Peter Wriggers: Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry for Engineers, Springer, Berlin, to be published.

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Cite this as

Shahab Sahraee, Peter Wriggers (2023). Dataset: Exercises Tensor Analysis.

DOI retrieved: April 3, 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on May 2, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC0-1.0
Author Shahab Sahraee
More Authors
Peter Wriggers
Author Email Shahab Sahraee
Maintainer Peter Wriggers
Maintainer Email Peter Wriggers
Source Creation 03 April, 2023, 15:01 PM (UTC+0000)
Source Modified 04 April, 2023, 08:28 AM (UTC+0000)