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Isotope-enabled cloud-resolving simulations of cyclones and squall lines

This dataset includes 2 simulations with the cloud-resolving model SAM, enabled with isotopes (System for Atmospheric Modeling). Simulations are in radiative-convective equilibrium as in Risi et al. (2020, 2021). Both simulations include large-scale ascent peaking -40hPa/d at 5km. 1) Cyclone: Domain of 1024 km x km with a horizontal resolution of 4 km and 96 vertical levels. The effect of rotation is added through a Coriolis parameter that corresponds to a latitude of 40°. 2) Squall line: Domain of 256 km x 256 km with a horizontal resolution is 2 km and 96 vertical levels. We add a horizontally uniform wind in the x direction that reaches 10 m/s at the surface and linearly decrease to 0 m/s at 1 km. These simulations are used in the article Risi et al. (2023).

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Risi, Camille, Muller, Caroline, Blossey, Peter (2021). Dataset: Isotope-enabled cloud-resolving simulations of cyclones and squall lines.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Risi, Camille
Given Name Camille
Family Name Risi
More Authors
Muller, Caroline
Blossey, Peter
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Model_SAM_Cylcone_Squall-line
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: What Controls the Mesoscale Variations in Water Isotopic Composition Within Tropical Cyclones and Squall Lines? Cloud Resolving Model Simulations in Radiative‐Convective Equilibrium
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2023
Source: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Authors: Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Vimeux Françoise , Blossey Peter , Védeau Grégoire , Dufaux Clarisse , Abramian Sophie , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter .

Title: What Controls the Water Vapor Isotopic Composition Near the Surface of Tropical Oceans? Results From an Analytical Model Constrained by Large‐Eddy Simulations
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Authors: Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Vimeux Françoise , Blossey Peter , Védeau Grégoire , Dufaux Clarisse , Abramian Sophie , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter .

Title: Rain Evaporation, Snow Melt, and Entrainment at the Heart of Water Vapor Isotopic Variations in the Tropical Troposphere, According to Large‐Eddy Simulations and a Two‐Column Model
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Authors: Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Vimeux Françoise , Blossey Peter , Védeau Grégoire , Dufaux Clarisse , Abramian Sophie , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter , Risi Camille , Muller Caroline , Blossey Peter .