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GDGT and n-alkane isotopic compositions in suspended sediments samples of the Amazon River Basin

Lipid biomarkers have been extensively used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. However, the entrainment of local compounds from source to sink may complicate interpretations. Here we present: (i) glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) distributions from the Amazon River and its main tributaries (i.e. Japurá, Içá, Juruá, Jutaí, Madeira, Solimões, Negro, Tapajós and Purus); and (ii) GDGT distributions and n-alkane isotopic compositions of soils and sediments from the Xingu River, a large clearwater River in eastern Amazonia. Our study aimed at understanding the processes and patterns related to distinct GDGT distributions and n-alkane isotopic signatures across lowland Amazonia. Suspended sediment samples from the Amazon Basin were obtained during the low-water season of 2015. Soil and suspended sediment samples from the Xingu Basin were obtained during the low- and high-water seasons of 2011, 2012, 2016 and 2017. Riverbed material was obtained using a Van Veen bottom sampler. Suspended material was concentrated using a Merck Millipore Ultrafiltration system equipped with Pellicon 2 Ultrafiltration cassettes (0.45 μm, 0.5 m2) after pumping up to 100 L of water from 60% of the total water column.

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Bertassoli Junior, Dailson José, Häggi, Christoph, Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur, Schefuß, Enno, Hefter, Jens, Akabane, Thomas K (2022). Dataset: GDGT and n-alkane isotopic compositions in suspended sediments samples of the Amazon River Basin.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Bertassoli Junior, Dailson José
Given Name Dailson José
Family Name Bertassoli Junior
More Authors
Häggi, Christoph
Chiessi, Cristiano Mazur
Schefuß, Enno
Hefter, Jens
Akabane, Thomas K
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Bertassoli_Jr-etal_2022
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Controls on the distributions of GDGTs and n-alkane isotopic compositions in sediments of the Amazon River Basin
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Chemical Geology
Authors: Bertassoli Junior Dailson José , Häggi Christoph , Chiessi Cristiano Mazur , Schefuß Enno , Hefter Jens , Akabane Thomas K , Sawakuchi André Oliveira , Häggi Christoph , Schefuß Enno , Sawakuchi André Oliveira , Chiessi Cristiano Mazur , Mulitza Stefan , Bertassoli Junior Dailson José , Hefter Jens , Zabel Matthias , Baker Paul A , Schouten Stefan .

Title: Modern and late Pleistocene particulate organic carbon transport by the Amazon River: Insights from long-chain alkyl diols
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Authors: Bertassoli Junior Dailson José , Häggi Christoph , Chiessi Cristiano Mazur , Schefuß Enno , Hefter Jens , Akabane Thomas K , Sawakuchi André Oliveira , Häggi Christoph , Schefuß Enno , Sawakuchi André Oliveira , Chiessi Cristiano Mazur , Mulitza Stefan , Bertassoli Junior Dailson José , Hefter Jens , Zabel Matthias , Baker Paul A , Schouten Stefan .