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Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, photosynthetic and calcification rates of a coastal strain of Emiliania huxleyi

The carbonate chemistry in coastal waters is more variable compared with that of open oceans, both in magnitude and time scale of its fluctuations. However, knowledge of the responses of coastal phytoplankton to dynamic changes in pH/pCO2 has been scarcely documented. Hence, we investigated the physiological performance of a coastal isolate of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi (PML B92/11) under fluctuating and stable pCO2 regimes (steady ambient pCO2, 400 μatm; steady elevated pCO2, 1200 μatm; diurnally fluctuating elevated pCO2, 600–1800 μatm). Elevated pCO2 inhibited the calcification rate in both the steady and fluctuating regimes. However, higher specific growth rates and lower ratios of calcification to photosynthesis were detected in the cells grown under diurnally fluctuating elevated pCO2 conditions. The fluctuating pCO2 regime alleviated the negative effects of elevated pCO2 on effective photochemical quantum yield and relative photosynthetic electron transport rate compared with the steady elevated pCO2 treatment. Our results suggest that growth of E. huxleyi could benefit from diel fluctuations of pH/pCO2 under future-projected ocean acidification, but its calcification was reduced by the fluctuation and the increased concentration of CO2, reflecting a necessity to consider the influences of dynamic pH fluctuations on coastal carbon cycles associated with ocean global changes.

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Li, Futian, Xu, Jiekai, Beardall, John, Gao, Kunshan (2021). Dataset: Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth, photosynthetic and calcification rates of a coastal strain of Emiliania huxleyi.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Li, Futian
Given Name Futian
Family Name Li
More Authors
Xu, Jiekai
Beardall, John
Gao, Kunshan
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Li-etal_2021_ICES
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

Name: Chemistry

Name: Fisheries

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Diurnally fluctuating pCO2 enhances growth of a coastal strain of Emiliania huxleyi under future-projected ocean acidification conditions
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: ICES Journal of Marine Science
Authors: Li Futian , Xu Jiekai , Beardall John , Gao Kunshan , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James .

Title: seacarb: seawater carbonate chemistry with R. R package version 3.2.16
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Authors: Li Futian , Xu Jiekai , Beardall John , Gao Kunshan , Gattuso Jean-Pierre , Epitalon Jean-Marie , Lavigne Héloïse , Orr James .