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Metabolism after drying and bedform migration in the Spree River in 2018/2019

Sandy streambed sediments that had been exposed to either intense drying (90-day without rainfall) or bedform migration (periodically moving ripples) were placed in 250 µm mesh bags to the Spree River in Northeastern Germany on October 22, 2018, to initiate the recovery process from drying or migration stress. Subsamples from the recovering sediments were collected at eight dates within eight months and taken to the laboratory for further analysis. Community respiration and Net Community Production of sediment associated biofilms were measured as dissolved oxygen concentrations from sediment pore water in inundated microcosms. The aim of the experiment was to observe the long-term recovery of microbial communities in lowland streams from drying and bedform migration and to identify if stress effects persisted as legacy after the stress period.

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Oprei, Anna, Schreckinger, José, Kholiavko, Tatiana, Frossard, Aline, Mutz, Michael, Risse-Buhl, Ute (2023). Dataset: Metabolism after drying and bedform migration in the Spree River in 2018/2019.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Oprei, Anna
Given Name Anna
Family Name Oprei
More Authors
Schreckinger, José
Kholiavko, Tatiana
Frossard, Aline
Mutz, Michael
Risse-Buhl, Ute
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Spree_2018-2019_sed-exp_metabol
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Related Identifiers
Title: Long-term functional recovery and associated microbial community structure after sediment drying and bedform migration
Type: DOI
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Year: 2023
Source: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Authors: Oprei Anna , Schreckinger José , Kholiavko Tatiana , Frossard Aline , Mutz Michael , Risse-Buhl Ute , Mendoza-Lera Clara , Frossard Aline , Knie Matthias , Federlein Laura L , Gessner Mark O , Mutz Michael , Perez-Mon Carla , Frey Beat , Frossard Aline , Winkler J P , Cherry R S , Schlesinger W H .

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Authors: Oprei Anna , Schreckinger José , Kholiavko Tatiana , Frossard Aline , Mutz Michael , Risse-Buhl Ute , Mendoza-Lera Clara , Frossard Aline , Knie Matthias , Federlein Laura L , Gessner Mark O , Mutz Michael , Perez-Mon Carla , Frey Beat , Frossard Aline , Winkler J P , Cherry R S , Schlesinger W H .

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Authors: Oprei Anna , Schreckinger José , Kholiavko Tatiana , Frossard Aline , Mutz Michael , Risse-Buhl Ute , Mendoza-Lera Clara , Frossard Aline , Knie Matthias , Federlein Laura L , Gessner Mark O , Mutz Michael , Perez-Mon Carla , Frey Beat , Frossard Aline , Winkler J P , Cherry R S , Schlesinger W H .