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Monthly wind directional indices based on ships logbooks observations, EI

SOURCES: Daily data of wind direction over the English Channel based on direct marine observations derived from Royal Navy ships' logbooks (1685-1870) and ICOADS v3.0 (1750-2014) datasets. DESCRIPTION:
The EI is the Directional Indices (DIs) that give a measure of the easterly flow. It is an instrumental-based monthly index defined as the proportion of easterly days per month (in % with respect to the total number of available days for each month) over the English Channel. A easterly day is defined as a day with prevailing wind from the east (wind blowing from the [45, 135)ºN sector). When only one daily observation was available, the day was classified from the wind direction of that single observation. If several observations per day were available over the English Channel, a easterly wind day was said to occur when at least a percentage of 44% of the total number of observations of that day corresponded to westerly wind. DATA: EI: Easterly Index (% of days in a month with easterly wind direction with respect to the total number of available (i.e., non missing) days in the month) No: Number of available days (i.e., with at least one wind observation) in a month (in % with respect to the total number of days in the month). Months with no wind direction observation at all in the full month are labeled as missing (-99.9) IMPORTANT NOTE: Please, note that the EI is herein provided regardless the number of observations. Some months have a low number of observations (No < 50 %)

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Cite this as

Mellado-Cano, Javier, Barriopedro, David, García-Herrera, Ricardo, Trigo, Ricardo M (2019). Dataset: Monthly wind directional indices based on ships logbooks observations, EI.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Mellado-Cano, Javier
Given Name Javier
Family Name Mellado-Cano
More Authors
Barriopedro, David
García-Herrera, Ricardo
Trigo, Ricardo M
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: English_Channel_EI
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: New observational insights into the atmospheric circulation over the Euro-Atlantic sector since 1685
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Climate Dynamics
Authors: Mellado-Cano Javier , Barriopedro David , García-Herrera Ricardo , Trigo Ricardo M .