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Methane dry air mole fractions measured during MOSAiC 2019/2020 (merged dataset)

This dataset contains hourly-averaged methane dry air mole fractions measured during the year-long Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition from October 2019 to September 2020. This is a merged dataset that combines cross-evaluated measurements performed in the University of Colorado (CU) and Swiss containers on Research Vessel Polarstern, along with cross-evaluated measurements performed on sea ice at Met City, and discrete whole air samples collected for post-cruise analysis at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML). The data columns include the Date and Time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the latitude and longitude of the Research Vessel Polarstern, the methane dry air mole fraction in nmol/mol, and the sampling location.

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Cite this as

Angot, Hélène, Blomquist, Byron, Howard, Dean, Archer, Stephen, Bariteau, Ludovic, Beck, Ivo, Helmig, Detlev, Hueber, Jacques, Jacobi, Hans-Werner, Jokinen, Tuija, Lan, Xin, Laurila, Tiia, Madronich, Monica, Posman, Kevin, Quéléver, Lauriane, Schmale, Julia (2022). Dataset: Methane dry air mole fractions measured during MOSAiC 2019/2020 (merged dataset).

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Angot, Hélène
Given Name Hélène
Family Name Angot
More Authors
Blomquist, Byron
Howard, Dean
Archer, Stephen
Bariteau, Ludovic
Beck, Ivo
Helmig, Detlev
Hueber, Jacques
Jacobi, Hans-Werner
Jokinen, Tuija
Lan, Xin
Laurila, Tiia
Madronich, Monica
Posman, Kevin
Quéléver, Lauriane
Schmale, Julia
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: MOSAiC_merged_CH4
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry

Related Identifiers
Title: Year-round trace gas measurements in the central Arctic during the MOSAiC expedition
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: Scientific Data
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Methane dry air mole fractions measured in the Swiss container during MOSAiC 2019/2020
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Minute-averaged methane dry air mole fractions measured at Met City during the 2019-2020 MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: NSF Arctic Data Center
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Minute-averaged methane dry air mole fractions measured in the University of Colorado container during the 2019-2020 MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate) expedition
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: NSF Arctic Data Center
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: NOAA GML & INSTAAR SIL measurements of Greenhouse Gases and Related Tracers from the MOSAiC project
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Source: NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, & University Of Colorado Institute Of Arctic And Alpine Research (INSTAAR); Version 2022.05.23
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Master track of POLARSTERN cruise PS122/2 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 36.7 MB)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Master track of POLARSTERN cruise PS122/3 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 52 MB)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Master track of POLARSTERN cruise PS122/1 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 43.3 MB)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2020
Source: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .

Title: Master track of POLARSTERN cruise PS122/4 in 1 sec resolution (zipped, 36 MB)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven
Authors: Angot Hélène , Blomquist Byron , Howard Dean , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Beck Ivo , Boyer Matthew , Crotwell Molly , Helmig Detlev , Hueber Jacques , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Jokinen Tuija , Kulmala Markku , Lan Xin , Laurila Tiia , Madronich Monica , Neff Donald , Petäjä Tuukka , Posman Kevin , Quéléver Lauriane , Shupe Matthew D , Vimont Isaac , Schmale Julia , Angot Hélène , Beck Ivo , Jokinen Tuija , Laurila Tiia , Quéléver Lauriane , Schmale Julia , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Blomquist Byron , Angot Hélène , Archer Stephen , Bariteau Ludovic , Howard Dean , Jacobi Hans-Werner , Posman Kevin , Dlugokencky Edward J , Lan Xin , Michel S , Petron G , Vimont I , Crotwell Molly , Madronich Monica , Crotwell Andy , Neff D , Wolter S , Moglia E , Mund John , Haas Christian , Kanzow Torsten , Rex Markus , Rex Markus , Rex Markus .