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Sea bed images, videos and benthic community of Atka Bight and Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica

Seafloor video and seafloor image (video cut) at Site ATKA-b and Site EIS-4c from below the Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica (Sub-EIS-Obs Project).

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Kuhn, Gerhard, Gaedicke, Christoph, Gromig, Raphael, Smith, Emma Clare, Tiedemann, Ralph, Läufer, Andreas, Wilhelms, Frank, Eisen, Olaf, Gong, Da, Yazhou, Li, Dummann, Wolf, Berger, Sophie, Römpler, Oliver (2021). Dataset: Sea bed images, videos and benthic community of Atka Bight and Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Kuhn, Gerhard
Given Name Gerhard
Family Name Kuhn
More Authors
Gaedicke, Christoph
Gromig, Raphael
Smith, Emma Clare
Tiedemann, Ralph
Läufer, Andreas
Wilhelms, Frank
Eisen, Olaf
Gong, Da
Yazhou, Li
Dummann, Wolf
Berger, Sophie
Römpler, Oliver
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Barnes-etal_2021
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Richness, growth, and persistence of life under an Antarctic ice shelf
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Current Biology
Authors: Barnes David K A , Kuhn Gerhard , Hillenbrand Claus-Dieter , Gromig Raphael , Koglin Nikola , Biskaborn Boris K , Frinault B A V , Klages Johann Philipp , Gutt Julian , Kuhn Gerhard , Gaedicke Christoph , Gromig Raphael , Smith Emma Clare , Tiedemann Ralph , Läufer Andreas , Wilhelms Frank , Eisen Olaf , Gong Da , Yazhou Li , Dummann Wolf , Berger Sophie , Römpler Oliver .

Title: Sub-EIS-Obs – Seafloor sampling below the Ekström Ice Shelf
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: In: Fromm, T, Oberdieck, C, Heitland, T, and Köhler, P (eds.), Expeditions to Antarctica: ANT-Land 2018/19 Neumayer Station III, Kohnen Station, Flight Operations and Field Campaigns: Bremerhaven
Authors: Barnes David K A , Kuhn Gerhard , Hillenbrand Claus-Dieter , Gromig Raphael , Koglin Nikola , Biskaborn Boris K , Frinault B A V , Klages Johann Philipp , Gutt Julian , Kuhn Gerhard , Gaedicke Christoph , Gromig Raphael , Smith Emma Clare , Tiedemann Ralph , Läufer Andreas , Wilhelms Frank , Eisen Olaf , Gong Da , Yazhou Li , Dummann Wolf , Berger Sophie , Römpler Oliver .