Plants cyp719 radar

Abstract: Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is among the world’s most popular spices. Its pungent principle, piperine, has already been identified 200 years ago, yet the biosynthesis of piperine in black pepper remains largely enigmatic. In this report we analyzed the characteristic methylenedioxy bridge formation of the aromatic part of piperine by a combination of RNA-sequencing, functional expression in yeast, and LC-MS based analysis of substrate and product profiles. We identified a single cytochrome P450 transcript, specifically expressed in black pepper immature fruits. The corresponding gene was functionally expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and characterized for substrate specificity with a series of putative aromatic precursors with an aromatic vanilloid structure. Methylenedioxy bridge formation was only detected when feruperic acid (5-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2,4-pentadienoic acid) was used as a substrate, and the corresponding product was identified as piperic acid. Two alternative precursors, ferulic acid and feruperine, were not accepted. Our data provide experimental evidence that formation of the piperine methylenedioxy bridge takes place in young black pepper fruits after a currently hypothetical chain elongation of ferulic acid and before the formation of the amide bond. The partially characterized enzyme was classified as CYP719A37 and is discussed in terms of the phylogenetic origin of CYP719 catalysed reactions in magnoliids and eudicots.

Cite this as

Schnabel, Arianne, Cotinguiba, Fernando, Athmer, Benedikt, Vogt, Thomas (2021). Dataset: Plants cyp719 radar.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Schnabel, Arianne
More Authors
Cotinguiba, Fernando
Athmer, Benedikt
Vogt, Thomas
Source Creation 2021
Thomas Vogt
Production Year 2019-2020
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type Dataset - chromatograms, raw data, excel files (zipped)
Subject Areas
Name: Biochemistry

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