Results of nodule detection along AUV tracks during SONNE cruises SO239 and SO242/1

Images were acquired by the DeepSurvey Camera on board GEOMAR's AUV Abyss. Nodules were delineated by the CoMoNoD algorithm [see related to references]. Result files are computed per AUV dive. Nodule detections below 5cm^2 are neglected as are detections above 707cm^2. Abundance statistics are computed per m^2 and gridded per m^2 as well. For overlapping images, max-pooling has been applied to select the values reported in the result files. Pixel values in the rendered maps correspond to the units reported in the ASCI files (median-nodule-size: cm^2, nodule-number: m^-2, percent-coverage: %, sorting, skewness and pixel-contributions are unit-free).

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Schoening, Timm (2017). Dataset: Results of nodule detection along AUV tracks during SONNE cruises SO239 and SO242/1.

DOI retrieved: 2017

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-NC-3.0
Author Schoening, Timm
Given Name Timm
Family Name Schoening
Source Creation 2017
Publication Year 2017
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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