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Gridded bathymetry from multibeam echosounder HS-DS2 data of the cruise M52/1 (2002)

Bathymetry based on data recorded during M52-1 between 02.01.2002 and 01.02.2002 in the Black Sea. The cruise was focused on studying the distribution, structure and architecture of gas hydrate deposits in the Black Sea as well as their relationship to fluid migration pathways. While high-resolution geoacoustic investigation tools covering a whole range of frequencies and techniques render detailed images of near-surface gas hydrates and associated fluid migration pathways.

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Cite this as

Wintersteller, Paul, dos Santos Ferreira, Christian (2016). Dataset: Gridded bathymetry from multibeam echosounder HS-DS2 data of the cruise M52/1 (2002).

DOI retrieved: 2016

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Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Wintersteller, Paul
Given Name Paul
Family Name Wintersteller
More Authors
dos Santos Ferreira, Christian
Source Creation 2016
Publication Year 2016
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: M52-1_bathymetric_grid
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
Title: Black Sea 2002 Part 1 - Cruise No. 52, Leg 1, 2 January - 1 February 2002, Istanbul - Istanbul
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Leitstelle METEOR, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg
Authors: Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Weinrebe Reimer Wilhelm , Klaucke Ingo .

Title: Black Sea - Mediterranean - Red Sea, Cruise No. 52, January 2 - March 27, 2002, Istanbul - Limassol
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: METEOR-Berichte, Leitstelle Meteor, Institut für Meereskunde der Universität Hamburg
Authors: Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Weinrebe Reimer Wilhelm , Klaucke Ingo .

Title: Swath sonar bathymetry during METEOR cruise M52/1 with links to multibeam raw data files
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2013
Authors: Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Weinrebe Reimer Wilhelm , Klaucke Ingo .

Title: Inventory of Meteor Cruise 52-1 (DOD-Ref-No.20020021)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Weinrebe Reimer Wilhelm , Klaucke Ingo .

Title: Preview map (png 2003 KB)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Authors: Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Pätzold Jürgen , Bohrmann Gerhard , Hübscher Christian , Weinrebe Reimer Wilhelm , Klaucke Ingo .