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Experimental data from column and batch samples

The presented thesis was written in the frame of a project called 'seepage water prognosis'. It was funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Science (BMBF). 41 German institutions among them research institutes of universities, public authorities and engineering companies were financed for three years respectively. The aim was to work out the scientific basis that is needed to carry out a seepage water prognosis (Oberacker und Eberle, 2002). According to the Federal German Soil Protection Act (Federal Bulletin, 1998) a seepage water prognosis is required in order to avoid future soil impacts from the application of recycling products. The participants focused on the development of either methods to determine the source strength of the materials investigated, which is defined as the total mass flow caused by natural leaching or on models to predict the contaminants transport through the underlying soil. Annual meetings of all participants as well as separate meetings of the two subprojects were held. The department of Geosciences in Bremen participated with two subprojects. The aim of the subproject that resulted in this thesis was the development of easily applicable, valid, and generally accepted laboratory methods for the determination of the source strength. In the scope of the second subproject my colleague Veith Becker developed a computer model for the transport prognosis with the source strength as the main input parameter.

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Lager, Tanja (2004). Dataset: Experimental data from column and batch samples.

DOI retrieved: 2004

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Lager, Tanja
Given Name Tanja
Family Name Lager
Source Creation 2004
Publication Year 2004
Resource Type application/zip - filename: LagerT_2004
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Predicting the source strength of recycling materials within the scope of a seepage water prognosis by means of standardized laboratory methods
Identifier: urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-diss000101449
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2004
Source: Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen
Authors: Lager Tanja .

Title: Comparison of leaching tests to determine and quantify the release of inorganic contaminants in demolition waste
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2007
Source: Waste Management
Authors: Delay Markus , Lager Tanja , Schulz Horst D , Frimmel Fritz H , Lager Tanja , Delay Markus , Karius Volker , Hamer Kay , Frimmel Fritz H , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schröter Jürgen , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schulz Horst D .

Title: Determination and quantification of the release of inorganic contaminants from municipal waste incineration ash
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2006
Source: Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica
Authors: Delay Markus , Lager Tanja , Schulz Horst D , Frimmel Fritz H , Lager Tanja , Delay Markus , Karius Volker , Hamer Kay , Frimmel Fritz H , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schröter Jürgen , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schulz Horst D .

Title: Predicting the source strength of different recycling materials – methods and preliminary results
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2003
Source: In: Schulz, H D; Hadeler, A (eds.) Geochemical processes in soil and groundwater – Measurement – Modelling – Upscaling (Proceedings GeoProc2002), Wiley-VCH Verlag, ISBN-10: 3-527-27766-8
Authors: Delay Markus , Lager Tanja , Schulz Horst D , Frimmel Fritz H , Lager Tanja , Delay Markus , Karius Volker , Hamer Kay , Frimmel Fritz H , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schröter Jürgen , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schulz Horst D .

Title: Mobility of heavy metals in harbour sediments: an environmental aspect for the reuse of contaminated dredged sediments
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2005
Source: Environmental Geology
Authors: Delay Markus , Lager Tanja , Schulz Horst D , Frimmel Fritz H , Lager Tanja , Delay Markus , Karius Volker , Hamer Kay , Frimmel Fritz H , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schröter Jürgen , Schulz Horst D , Lager Tanja , Hamer Kay , Schulz Horst D .