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High-resolution bathymetry model for the Lena Delta region

This data set includes the 50 m and 200 m bathymetry model for the Lena Delta region covering 232,700 km2 stretching from Cape Mamontov Klyk in the western Laptev Sea to Kotelny Island in the New Siberian Islands. The models were calculated with the topo to raster tool in ArcGIS TM version 10.6 based on depth points and isobaths lines derived from large-scale current and historical nautical maps. The final bathymetry models are available in GeoTiff format in 50 m (TTR_50m_LenaDelta.tif) and 200 m (TTR_200m_LenaDelta.tif) spatial resolution. In addition, the data set includes the complete input data for the bathymetry models. The input data consists of a point shapefile (Depth_points_LenaDelta.shp) including 50,828 manually digitized depth point measurements, a polyline shapefile (Isobaths_LenaDelta.shp) including 720 manually digitized isobath lines and a polygon shapefile (Water_area_LenaDelta.shp) for the water extent. The Lena Delta region bathymetry was validated with depth data derived from ship cruises in 2019 (Fuchs et al. submitted, Palmtag et al., 2021) as well as water depth data available on PANGAEA (e.g. Hölemann et al., 2020).

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Cite this as

Fuchs, Matthias, Palmtag, Juri, Juhls, Bennet, Overduin, Pier Paul, Grosse, Guido, Abdelwahab, Ahmed, Bedington, Michael, Sanders, Tina, Ogneva, Olga, Fedorova, Irina V, Zimov, Nikita S, Mann, Paul James, Strauss, Jens (2021). Dataset: High-resolution bathymetry model for the Lena Delta region.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Fuchs, Matthias
Given Name Matthias
Family Name Fuchs
More Authors
Palmtag, Juri
Juhls, Bennet
Overduin, Pier Paul
Grosse, Guido
Abdelwahab, Ahmed
Bedington, Michael
Sanders, Tina
Ogneva, Olga
Fedorova, Irina V
Zimov, Nikita S
Mann, Paul James
Strauss, Jens
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Source: Earth System Science Data
Authors: Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Juhls Bennet , Overduin Pier Paul , Grosse Guido , Abdelwahab Ahmed , Bedington Michael , Sanders Tina , Ogneva Olga , Fedorova Irina V , Zimov Nikita S , Mann Paul James , Strauss Jens , Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Ogneva Olga , Sanders Tina , Aksenov Aleksei , Polyakov Vyacheslav I , Strauss Jens , Hölemann Jens A , Juhls Bennet , Timokhov Leonid , Palmtag Juri , Strauss Jens , Ogneva Olga , Aksenov Aleksei , Fuchs Matthias , Mann Paul James .

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Type: DOI
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Year: 2021
Authors: Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Juhls Bennet , Overduin Pier Paul , Grosse Guido , Abdelwahab Ahmed , Bedington Michael , Sanders Tina , Ogneva Olga , Fedorova Irina V , Zimov Nikita S , Mann Paul James , Strauss Jens , Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Ogneva Olga , Sanders Tina , Aksenov Aleksei , Polyakov Vyacheslav I , Strauss Jens , Hölemann Jens A , Juhls Bennet , Timokhov Leonid , Palmtag Juri , Strauss Jens , Ogneva Olga , Aksenov Aleksei , Fuchs Matthias , Mann Paul James .

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Type: DOI
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Authors: Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Juhls Bennet , Overduin Pier Paul , Grosse Guido , Abdelwahab Ahmed , Bedington Michael , Sanders Tina , Ogneva Olga , Fedorova Irina V , Zimov Nikita S , Mann Paul James , Strauss Jens , Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Ogneva Olga , Sanders Tina , Aksenov Aleksei , Polyakov Vyacheslav I , Strauss Jens , Hölemann Jens A , Juhls Bennet , Timokhov Leonid , Palmtag Juri , Strauss Jens , Ogneva Olga , Aksenov Aleksei , Fuchs Matthias , Mann Paul James .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
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Authors: Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Juhls Bennet , Overduin Pier Paul , Grosse Guido , Abdelwahab Ahmed , Bedington Michael , Sanders Tina , Ogneva Olga , Fedorova Irina V , Zimov Nikita S , Mann Paul James , Strauss Jens , Fuchs Matthias , Palmtag Juri , Ogneva Olga , Sanders Tina , Aksenov Aleksei , Polyakov Vyacheslav I , Strauss Jens , Hölemann Jens A , Juhls Bennet , Timokhov Leonid , Palmtag Juri , Strauss Jens , Ogneva Olga , Aksenov Aleksei , Fuchs Matthias , Mann Paul James .