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Marine electrical resistivity data parallel to the southern coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula, Siberia

In July 2017, we collected apparent resistivity data (ohm-m) in a sub-aquatic permafrost environment on the southern coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula in northeast Siberia. The project goal was to determine the depth to the top of frozen sediment for multiple submerged landscapes. The submerged landscapes included ice-rich Yedoma permafrost, permafrost that had undergone prior thermokarst (Alases), and a former lagoon (i.e. offshore at the lagoon's coastline positions in earlier years). The data was collected with an IRIS Syscal Pro Deep Marine resistivity system that was equipped with a GPS and an echo-sounder to record water depths. The geoelectric cable had an electrode separation of 10 m and the electrodes were arranged in a reciprocal Wenner Schlumberger array. The offset between the first electrode and the boat was approximately 10 m.

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Angelopoulos, Michael, Overduin, Pier Paul, Jenrich, Maren, Nitze, Ingmar, Günther, Frank, Strauss, Jens, Westermann, Sebastian, Schirrmeister, Lutz, Kholodov, Alexander L, Krautblatter, Michael, Grigoriev, Mikhail N, Grosse, Guido (2021). Dataset: Marine electrical resistivity data parallel to the southern coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula, Siberia.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Angelopoulos, Michael
Given Name Michael
Family Name Angelopoulos
More Authors
Overduin, Pier Paul
Jenrich, Maren
Nitze, Ingmar
Günther, Frank
Strauss, Jens
Westermann, Sebastian
Schirrmeister, Lutz
Kholodov, Alexander L
Krautblatter, Michael
Grigoriev, Mikhail N
Grosse, Guido
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Angelopoulos-etal_2021
Subject Areas
Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Onshore thermokarst primes subsea permafrost degradation
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2021
Source: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors: Angelopoulos Michael , Overduin Pier Paul , Jenrich Maren , Nitze Ingmar , Günther Frank , Strauss Jens , Westermann Sebastian , Schirrmeister Lutz , Kholodov Alexander L , Krautblatter Michael , Grigoriev Mikhail N , Grosse Guido .