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Sun Photometer Data (AOD) from Zeppelin Station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)

Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is measured by a sun photometer, type SP1a by Dr. Schulz & Partner GmbH in 17 wavelengths between λ = 369nm to 1023nm with a field of view of 1° × 1° and a time resolution of 1 minute. In winter 2012/13 a new sun photometer was installed and just 10 of 17 wavelengths remained in the same wavelength range. With the nine out of ten wavelengths optical parameters like the AOD are computed. The one, which is devoted to water vapor is omitted. The instrument is calibrated regularly in pristine conditions at Izaña, Tenerife, via Langley method. A cloud screening based on short scale fluctuations of the AOD is used. The uncertainty for the AOD is generally said to be around 0.01. However, this is the maximum error of the instrument because the fluctuations are much smaller by comparing data minute by minute under low or constant aerosol conditions.\nThe number of individual measurements differs between a few hundreds, especially in March and September, to up to 12,000 in early summer. No trend in each month can be seen comparing the amount of cloud-free measurements over the years. Only an annual cycle due to polar day and night is included in the data. Due to the instrument data is only available in clear sky conditions. In this regard the data should represent the real aerosol conditions. Only aerosols that are advected and processed within clouds or hygroscopic growth cannot be measured by this instrument.

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Graßl, Sandra, Ritter, Christoph (2021). Dataset: Sun Photometer Data (AOD) from Zeppelin Station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV).

DOI retrieved: 2021

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Graßl, Sandra
Given Name Sandra
Family Name Graßl
More Authors
Ritter, Christoph
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Grassl-Ritter_2021_sun-photo-Zeppelin
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Related Identifiers
Title: Properties of Arctic Aerosols based on Photometer Long-Term Measurements in Ny-Ålesund (Master thesis)
Identifier: hdl:10013/epic.6594e5f6-6041-4a2b-b730-361720c0d722
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Authors: Graßl Sandra , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph .

Title: Properties of Arctic Aerosol Based on Sun Photometer Long-Term Measurements in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2019
Source: Remote Sensing
Authors: Graßl Sandra , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph .

Title: Sun Photometer Data (RAW) from Zeppelin Station, Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (AWIPEV)
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2022
Authors: Graßl Sandra , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph , Graßl Sandra , Ritter Christoph .