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Experiment on bacterial resistance to phages and bacterial harm to eukaryotic hosts with bacteria of the genus Vibrio, temperate vibriophages and the pipefish Syngnathus typhle

Background: Evolutionary shifts in bacterial virulence are often associated with a third biological player, for instance temperate phages, that can act as hyperparasites. By integrating as prophages into the bacterial genome they can contribute accessory genes, which can enhance the fitness of their prokaryotic carrier (lysogenic conversion). Hyperparasitic influence in tripartite biotic interactions has so far been largely neglected in empirical host-parasite studies due to their inherent complexity. Here we experimentally address whether bacterial resistance to phages and bacterial harm to eukaryotic hosts is linked using a natural tri-partite system with bacteria of the genus Vibrio, temperate vibriophages and the pipefish Syngnathus typhle. We induced prophages from all bacterial isolates and constructed a three-fold replicated, fully reciprocal 75x75 phage-bacteria infection matrix. Results: According to their resistance to phages, bacteria could be grouped into three distinct categories: highly susceptible (HS-bacteria), intermediate susceptible (IS-bacteria), and resistant (R-bacteria). We experimentally challenged pipefish with three selected bacterial isolates from each of the three categories and determined the amount of viable Vibrio counts from infected pipefish and the expression of pipefish immune genes. While the amount of viable Vibrio counts did not differ between bacterial groups, we observed a significant difference in relative gene expression between pipefish infected with phage susceptible and phage resistant bacteria. Conclusion: These findings suggest that bacteria with a phage-susceptible phenotype are more harmful against a eukaryotic host, and support the importance of hyperparasitism and the need for an integrative view across more than two levels when studying host-parasite evolution.

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Cite this as

Wendling, Carolin Charlotte, Piecyk, Agnes, Refardt, Dominik, Chipani, Cynthia, Hertel, Robert, Liesegang, Heiko, Bunk, Boyke, Overmann, Jörg, Roth, Olivia (2017). Dataset: Experiment on bacterial resistance to phages and bacterial harm to eukaryotic hosts with bacteria of the genus Vibrio, temperate vibriophages and the pipefish Syngnathus typhle.

DOI retrieved: 2017

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Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Wendling, Carolin Charlotte
Given Name Carolin Charlotte
Family Name Wendling
More Authors
Piecyk, Agnes
Refardt, Dominik
Chipani, Cynthia
Hertel, Robert
Liesegang, Heiko
Bunk, Boyke
Overmann, Jörg
Roth, Olivia
Source Creation 2017
Publication Year 2017
Subject Areas
Name: Biosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Tripartite species interaction: Eukaryotic hosts suffer more from phage susceptible than from phage resistant bacteria
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2017
Source: BMC Evolutionary Biology
Authors: Wendling Carolin Charlotte , Piecyk Agnes , Refardt Dominik , Chipani Cynthia , Hertel Robert , Liesegang Heiko , Bunk Boyke , Overmann Jörg , Roth Olivia .