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Physical oceanography (CTD/Rosette) during Akademik Tryoshnikov cruise Arctic Century 2021 Expedition (AT21), Arctic Ocean

A standard CTD system from Sea-Bird Electronics Inc SBE911+ with duplicate temperature and conductivity sensors was used to measure temperature, conductivity and pressure at 86 stations during an expedition to the Kara and Laptev Seas and the adjacent Arctic Ocean in August-September 2021 aboard the research vessel “Akademik Tryoshnikov”. We followed the manufacturer's recommendation to calculate salinity with Seabird processing software. The salinity is given as Practical Salinity (PSU). Data were averaged in depth bins of 1 m. The processed, but not bin-averaged, cnv-files from each station are also part of this publication (zip file). The accuracy of the conductivity sensors was verified by measurements on water samples with a salinometer. The data set published here includes only the data from the first conductivity (SN 3290) and temperature (SN 4127) sensors. Only at station 26 the data of the second sensor pair (SN 2618/Cond, SN 5115/Temp) were used. The CTD was connected to an SBE32 carousel water sampler with 24 12-liter bottles. Additionally, a Wetlabs ECO-AFL Fluorometer was connected to the SBE911+ system. The data are provided by the Arctic Century Expedition, a joint initiative led by the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI), the Antarctic and Arctic Research Institute (AARI) and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR) and funded by the Swiss Polar Foundation, AARI, Minobrnauki (CATS RFMEFI61619X0108) and BMBF (CATS 03F0831).

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Makhotin, Mikhail, Hölemann, Jens A, Kusse-Tiuz, Nikita, Ruiz-Castillo, Eugenio, Malinovskiy, Stanislav, Merkulov, Viktor, Burkhardt, Manuel, Kassens, Heidemarie (2022). Dataset: Physical oceanography (CTD/Rosette) during Akademik Tryoshnikov cruise Arctic Century 2021 Expedition (AT21), Arctic Ocean.

DOI retrieved: 2022

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on December 1, 2024
Last update December 1, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Makhotin, Mikhail
Given Name Mikhail
Family Name Makhotin
More Authors
Hölemann, Jens A
Kusse-Tiuz, Nikita
Ruiz-Castillo, Eugenio
Malinovskiy, Stanislav
Merkulov, Viktor
Burkhardt, Manuel
Kassens, Heidemarie
Source Creation 2022
Publication Year 2022
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: ArcticCentury_phys-oce
Subject Areas
Name: Chemistry