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Elemental cellular contents of Rhodomonas salina and Oxyrrhis marina, and respiration rate and total lipids of O. marina during a starvation experiment

This dataset contains data on the cellular elemental contents (carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) of the phytoplankton species Rhodomonas salina grown in nitrogen limited and phosphorus limited conditions. These two phytoplankton qualities were offered as food to the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. The resulting cellular elemental contents of the dinoflagellates are also included for a stavation period of up to 78 h, as well as the cellular lipid content and respiration rate of O. marina fed with nitrogen limited or phosphorus limited R. salina, before being starved for 24 h or up to 48 h, respectively. To highlight possible differences in the source of energy used by differently preconditioned O. marina, we determined total lipid content following Urzua and Anger (2011).

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Cite this as

Meunier, Cédric Léo, Haafke, Julia, Oppermann, Bettina, Boersma, Maarten, Malzahn, Arne (2021). Dataset: Elemental cellular contents of Rhodomonas salina and Oxyrrhis marina, and respiration rate and total lipids of O. marina during a starvation experiment.

DOI retrieved: 2021

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Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Meunier, Cédric Léo
Given Name Cédric Léo
Family Name Meunier
More Authors
Haafke, Julia
Oppermann, Bettina
Boersma, Maarten
Malzahn, Arne
Source Creation 2021
Publication Year 2021
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Meunier-etal_2021
Subject Areas
Name: BiologicalClassification

Name: Biosphere

Name: Oceans

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
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Source: Marine Biology
Authors: Meunier Cédric Léo , Haafke Julia , Oppermann Bettina , Boersma Maarten , Malzahn Arne , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Urzúa Ángel , Anger Klaus .

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Authors: Meunier Cédric Léo , Haafke Julia , Oppermann Bettina , Boersma Maarten , Malzahn Arne , Grasshoff Klaus , Kremling Klaus , Ehrhardt M , Urzúa Ángel , Anger Klaus .