Carbon monoxide (CO) Antarctic records from ice cores (DC12, ABN, Taldice), firn air (DE08-2, DSSW19K, DSSW20K, South Pole, ABN, Lock-In), and Mawson Station atmospheric history from -835 to 2021 CE

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Faïn, Xavier, Etherdige, David M, Fourteau, Kévin, Martinerie, Patricia, Trudinger, Cathy M, Rhodes, Rachael H, Chellman, Nathan J, Langenfelds, Ray L, McConnell, Joseph R, Curran, Mark, Brook, Edward J, Blunier, Thomas, Teste, Grégory, Grilli, Roberto, Anthony, Lemoine, Sturges, William T, Vannière, Boris, Freitag, Johannes, Jérôme, Chappellaz (2023). Dataset: Carbon monoxide (CO) Antarctic records from ice cores (DC12, ABN, Taldice), firn air (DE08-2, DSSW19K, DSSW20K, South Pole, ABN, Lock-In), and Mawson Station atmospheric history from -835 to 2021 CE.

DOI retrieved: 2023

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Faïn, Xavier
Given Name Xavier
Family Name Faïn
More Authors
Etherdige, David M
Fourteau, Kévin
Martinerie, Patricia
Trudinger, Cathy M
Rhodes, Rachael H
Chellman, Nathan J
Langenfelds, Ray L
McConnell, Joseph R
Curran, Mark
Brook, Edward J
Blunier, Thomas
Teste, Grégory
Grilli, Roberto
Anthony, Lemoine
Sturges, William T
Vannière, Boris
Freitag, Johannes
Jérôme, Chappellaz
Source Creation 2023
Publication Year 2023
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Fain-etal_2023
Subject Areas
Name: Atmosphere

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Southern Hemisphere atmospheric history of carbon monoxide over the late Holocene reconstructed from multiple Antarctic ice archives
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Source: Climate of the Past
Authors: Faïn Xavier , Etherdige David M , Fourteau Kévin , Martinerie Patricia , Trudinger Cathy M , Rhodes Rachael H , Chellman Nathan J , Langenfelds Ray L , McConnell Joseph R , Curran Mark , Brook Edward J , Blunier Thomas , Teste Grégory , Grilli Roberto , Anthony Lemoine , Sturges William T , Vannière Boris , Freitag Johannes , Jérôme Chappellaz .