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Net Lending/Borrowing (current and capital account) - quarterly data

Net lending/borrowing of a country corresponds to the sum of total current and capital accounts’ balances in the Balance of Payments. It represents the net resources that the total economy makes available to the rest of the world (if it is positive) or receives from the rest of the world (if it is negative). In another words when the variable is positive (meaning that it shows a financing capacity), it should be called net lending (+); when it is negative (meaning that it shows a borrowing need), it should be called net borrowing (–). The net lending (+) or borrowing (–) of the total economy is equal but of opposite sign to the net borrowing (–) or lending (+) of the rest of the world. The MIP scoreboard indicator is expressed in percentage of GDP and in million of national currency, and calculated as: (CAB+CAK)%GDP=(CAB+CAK)*100/GDP . The indicator is based on the Balance of Payments data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).

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Imported on January 8, 2025
Last update January 8, 2025
Defined In
  • No citation available
Author Eurostat
Language English
Access Rights public
Production Year 2014-11-13