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Rock magnetic susceptibility of ODP Leg 204 sites

Mineral magnetic results and electron microscope observations from gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments cored at southern Hydrate Ridge during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 204 (Sites 1244 to 1252, Cascadia Margin, offshore Oregon) demonstrate that authigenic greigite and pyrrhotite formed as a byproduct of microbially-mediated diagenetic reactions in the sulphate, the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM), and the methanic/gas hydrate zones. Geochemical conditions favourable for formation and preservation of greigite and pyrrhotite appear to be a limited source of sulphide, whether it derives from microbially-driven sulphate reduction in the sulphate zone, in the AOM zone or in deep sediments undergoing AOM, so that pyritization reactions are not driven to completion. Our results indicate that rock magnetic identification of greigite and pyrrhotite should be useful for detecting ancient gas hydrate systems in the marine sedimentary record, because it can enable rapid screening of ancient sediments for potential horizons where methane and disseminated gas hydrates might have occurred. Formation of authigenic greigite and pyrrhotite at different depths within the gas hydrate stability zone also implies that the magnetization of the host sediments will have been acquired at variable times, which is likely to compromise paleomagnetic results from greigite- and pyrrhotite-bearing marine sediments.

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Cite this as

Larrasoaña, Juan C, Roberts, Andrew P, Musgrave, Robert J, Gràcia, Eulàlia, Piñero, Elena, Vega, Marta, Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C (2007). Dataset: Rock magnetic susceptibility of ODP Leg 204 sites.

DOI retrieved: 2007

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 29, 2024
Last update November 29, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Larrasoaña, Juan C
Given Name Juan C
Family Name Larrasoaña
More Authors
Roberts, Andrew P
Musgrave, Robert J
Gràcia, Eulàlia
Piñero, Elena
Vega, Marta
Martinez-Ruiz, Francisca C
Source Creation 2007
Publication Year 2007
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Larrasoana_2007
Subject Areas
Name: Geophysics

Related Identifiers
Title: Diagenetic formation of greigite and pyrrhotite in gas hydrate marine sedimentary systems
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2007
Source: Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Authors: Larrasoaña Juan C , Roberts Andrew P , Musgrave Robert J , Gràcia Eulàlia , Piñero Elena , Vega Marta , Martinez-Ruiz Francisca C .