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Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas since the Last Glacial Maximum. Data are compiled from the literature. We use these data to define North Atlantic Deep Water source signatures through time. The columns indicate the site name, sample depth in meters, age in ka BP, time slice name (LH = Late Holocene, HS1 = Heinrich Stadial 1, LGM = Last Glacial Maximum), the used foraminifera species, the raw measured d18O and d13C signals (in per mil, with b for benthic), the same signals with species-specific corrections applied (d18Ob and d13Cb), d18Ob data corrected for global mean continental ice volume changes (ivc, using the sea level curve of Grant, K. M. et al. Nature 491, 744–747 (2012)), and the offset between the sediment late Holocene d18Ob data and our estimated theoretical local d18Ob signature, where Late Holocene data were available, as well as the data source citations in short and long format.

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Blaser, Patrick, Waelbroeck, Claire, Thornalley, David J R, Lippold, Jörg, Pöppelmeier, Frerk, Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie, Repschläger, Janne, Jaccard, Samuel L (2024). Dataset: Stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from benthic foraminifera in the northern North Atlantic and Nordic Seas.

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
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Author Blaser, Patrick
Given Name Patrick
Family Name Blaser
More Authors
Waelbroeck, Claire
Thornalley, David J R
Lippold, Jörg
Pöppelmeier, Frerk
Kaboth-Bahr, Stefanie
Repschläger, Janne
Jaccard, Samuel L
Resource Type text/tab-separated-values - filename: Blaser_Tab10
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Authors: Crocker Anya J , Chalk Thomas B , Bailey Ian , Spencer Megan R , Gutjahr Marcus , Foster Gavin L , Wilson Paul A , Dokken Trond , Jansen Eystein , El bani Altuna Naima , Ezat Mohamed M , Greaves Mervyn , Rasmussen Tine Lander , Elliot Mary , Labeyrie Laurent D , Duplessy Jean-Claude , McManus Jerry F , Oppo Delia W , Cullen James L , Millo Christian , Sarnthein Michael , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Frederichs Thomas , Millo Christian , Sarnthein Michael , Voelker Antje H L , Erlenkeuser Helmut , Oppo Delia W , Curry William B , McManus Jerry F , Rasmussen Tine Lander , Oppo Delia W , Thomsen Erik , Lehman Scott J , Voelker Antje H L .

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