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Reconstructed mean annual (MAT), summer, and winter palaeotemperatures of the Upper Palaeolithic sites Krems-Wachtberg and Kammern-Grubgraben, Lower Austria

The data contain reconstructed mean annual (MAT), summer and winter temperatures from Krems-Wachtberg (33-31 ka cal BP) and Kammern-Grubgraben (24-20 ka cal BP). The data set also contains the reconstructed temperature values, taking into account the respective oceanic source water corrections based on Lea et al. (2002) and Schrag et al. (1996, 2002) for both periods.

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Reiss, Lilian, Mayr, Christoph, Pasda, Kerstin, Joachimski, Michael M, Einwögerer, Thomas, Händel, Marc, Maier, Andreas (2024). Dataset: Reconstructed mean annual (MAT), summer, and winter palaeotemperatures of the Upper Palaeolithic sites Krems-Wachtberg and Kammern-Grubgraben, Lower Austria.

DOI retrieved: 2024

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Reiss, Lilian
Given Name Lilian
Family Name Reiss
More Authors
Mayr, Christoph
Pasda, Kerstin
Joachimski, Michael M
Einwögerer, Thomas
Händel, Marc
Maier, Andreas
Source Creation 2024
Publication Year 2024
Subject Areas
Name: LandSurface

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2024
Source: Journal of Quaternary Science
Authors: Reiss Lilian , Mayr Christoph , Pasda Kerstin , Joachimski Michael M , Einwögerer Thomas , Händel Marc , Maier Andreas , Lea David W , Martin Pamela A , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Schrag Daniel P , Adkins Jess F , McIntyre Katherine , Alexander Jane L , Hodell David A , Charles Christopher D , McManus Jerry F , Schrag Daniel P , Hampt Gretchen , Murray David W .

Title: Reconstructing a 350ky history of sea level using planktonic Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope records from a Cocos Ridge core
Type: DOI
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Year: 2002
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Reiss Lilian , Mayr Christoph , Pasda Kerstin , Joachimski Michael M , Einwögerer Thomas , Händel Marc , Maier Andreas , Lea David W , Martin Pamela A , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Schrag Daniel P , Adkins Jess F , McIntyre Katherine , Alexander Jane L , Hodell David A , Charles Christopher D , McManus Jerry F , Schrag Daniel P , Hampt Gretchen , Murray David W .

Title: The oxygen isotopic composition of seawater during the Last Glacial Maximum
Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 2002
Source: Quaternary Science Reviews
Authors: Reiss Lilian , Mayr Christoph , Pasda Kerstin , Joachimski Michael M , Einwögerer Thomas , Händel Marc , Maier Andreas , Lea David W , Martin Pamela A , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Schrag Daniel P , Adkins Jess F , McIntyre Katherine , Alexander Jane L , Hodell David A , Charles Christopher D , McManus Jerry F , Schrag Daniel P , Hampt Gretchen , Murray David W .

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Type: DOI
Relation: References
Year: 1996
Source: Science
Authors: Reiss Lilian , Mayr Christoph , Pasda Kerstin , Joachimski Michael M , Einwögerer Thomas , Händel Marc , Maier Andreas , Lea David W , Martin Pamela A , Pak Dorothy K , Spero Howard J , Schrag Daniel P , Adkins Jess F , McIntyre Katherine , Alexander Jane L , Hodell David A , Charles Christopher D , McManus Jerry F , Schrag Daniel P , Hampt Gretchen , Murray David W .