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Porewater and sediment geochemistry of five temperate Swiss lakes

We sampled sediments from three water depths in five lakes in central Switzerland: Lake Lucerne, Lake Zurich, Lake Zug, Lake Baldegg, and Lake Greifen. All took place in June and July of 2016. Three sublittoral stations differing in water depth and bottom water O2 concentrations were sampled. Per each lake station, one 60-mm diameter and 3–4 150-mm diameter gravity cores (UWITEC, AT) were taken from boats or motorized platforms. The thin cores were used for analyses of radionuclides, X-ray fluorescence, grain size, and archiving (one-half). Wide cores were used as follows: the core with the least disturbed sediment surface was used for microsensor measurements (O2, pH). Sediment porewater samples were obtained by rhizons (0.2 μm pore size, Rhizosphere) from a designated core with pre-drilled holes that were taped during coring for analyses of dissolved anions and cations including redox sensitive elements. Sediment samples for cell counts, methane concentration analyses, and physical property determinations (porosity, bulk density, dry density, water content) were taken from a third core using sterile cut-off syringes. Samples for solid-phase carbon analyses (TOC, total inorganic carbon (TIC)) were also taken from this core.

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Cite this as

Fiskal, Annika, Deng, Longhui, Michel, Anja, Eickenbusch, Philip, Han, Xingguo, Lagostina, Lorenzo, Zhu, Rong, Sander, Michael, Schroth, Martin H, Bernasconi, Stefano M, Dubois, Nathalie, Lever, Mark A (2019). Dataset: Porewater and sediment geochemistry of five temperate Swiss lakes.

DOI retrieved: 2019

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-4.0
Author Fiskal, Annika
Given Name Annika
Family Name Fiskal
More Authors
Deng, Longhui
Michel, Anja
Eickenbusch, Philip
Han, Xingguo
Lagostina, Lorenzo
Zhu, Rong
Sander, Michael
Schroth, Martin H
Bernasconi, Stefano M
Dubois, Nathalie
Lever, Mark A
Source Creation 2019
Publication Year 2019
Resource Type application/zip - filename: FiskalA-etal_2019
Subject Areas
Name: Ecology

Name: Lithosphere

Related Identifiers
Title: Effects of eutrophication on sedimentary organic carbon cycling in five temperate lakes
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2019
Source: Biogeosciences
Authors: Fiskal Annika , Deng Longhui , Michel Anja , Eickenbusch Philip , Han Xingguo , Lagostina Lorenzo , Zhu Rong , Sander Michael , Schroth Martin H , Bernasconi Stefano M , Dubois Nathalie , Lever Mark A .